Lucija Ljubić (Zagreb, 1974) is an associate professor at the Department of Culture, Media and Management at the Academy of Arts and Culture of the Josip Juraj Strossmayer University in Osijek. She graduated in Croatian and German studies at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb in 2000, and received her PhD in 2009. From 2001 to 2012, she worked in the Department of Croatian Theater History at the Institute of Croatian Literature, Theater and Music in Zagreb. Her areas of scientific interest are history and theory of drama and theater, contemporary Croatian drama and theater, comparative connections with other culturally related national environments, theory of science and cultural theory. She has published the books Repertoire of Croatian Theaters. Descriptive treatment of important plays in the Croatian language and performances in foreign languages by Croatian performers until 1840, HAZU – AGM, Zagreb, 2012 (co-authored with M. Petranović), Desetica. Discussions on the History of Croatian Drama and Theater, Ex libris, Zagreb, 2013 and the university textbook From Offender to Artist. Theatrical and social roles of Croatian actresses, Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek – Meandar media, Osijek – Zagreb, 2019. Participates in domestic and international scientific conferences, publishes scientific and professional papers in Croatian and foreign journals and collaborates on scientific research projects. He teaches at the University Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Study of Cultural Studies at the Doctoral School of Social Sciences and Humanities of the J. J. Strossmayer University in Osijek. She is a collaborator on the editions of the Lexicographic Institute “Miroslav Krleža” and “School Books”. She edited nine books from the Gavella Drama Library (2005-2008). He is engaged in literary translation from German. She is a member of the Croatian Society of Theater Critics and Theatrologists, the Croatian ITI Center and Matica hrvatska.